Saturday, February 14, 2015

Spiders and Flies

Some changes had been made. As of last session, Lakeo was a high elf, and he chose to take a feat at 4th level: Lucky, which allows him to spend "Luck Points" to get re-rolls. There was some discussion on how it interacted Advantage and Disadvantage. The ultimate conclusion was that it would resolve afterwards. We also found out that instead of being a neutral Assassin archetype rogue, he was now lawful good monk of the Open Palm tradition. He also retrained one of his feats, taking a Mobility in place of Dual Wielding. According to Adventurer's League rules, they'll have until level 5 to finalize these changes. As Sandi and Alek just reached 5th, those two won't be far behind.

Our first encounters were dealing with the two dead guards. Jamna Gleamsilver approached Lakeo and gave him a little "wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more." She offered a little tit-for-tat, but Lakeo wasn't interested.

Of course, us well armed and capable adventurers were on the suspect list of murderers. Sandi got singled out. Apparently the guards were killed with a short sword, so the cultists demanded to examine the weapon and compare it to the wounds. As we were led to scene, Sandi spotted Jamna hiding her own short sword. An argument ensued as to whether the wounds were inflicted with Sandi's weapon or the hidden weapon. Ultimately, the suspected Thayan took charge and told everyone to back down so we could get the caravan moving again.

Then, on day 53, Jamna interrupted us while we were eating, pulling an object out of Sandi's porridge. She claimed that the cultists had put it in there, and that after being ingested it would expand, revealing hooks and spikes that would tear the eater's insides apart. Alek spotted one lie; Jamna had planted it herself to claim she had saved one of our lives. Despite some hard bargaining, she remained silent about who she worked for. Alek made some guesses, and Zhentarim seemed to be the correct one. Ultimately, I let her know that the wagons were filled with treasure meant for the dragon queen and bound for Castle Naerytar.

On day 57, there was a ruckus at the back of the caravan. We investigated, and found that their guards were dead or injured and poisoned. Spiders and spider-like humanoids had attacked and stolen the horses and fled into the nearby woods. We tracked them do a pit and fought two ettercaps and six wolf spiders. Corrin used his newly minted monk abilities to move around the battlefield and gain extra attacks by spending ki points. This time I was able to use protection from poison on Thok, making sure the spider poison didn't take him out while he was tanking. Sandi also managed to finish the fight with a bang, rolling a critical and scoring 36 damage against an already injured ettercap, bringing it to -22 hit points.

Ultimately, Thok and Lakeo were able to get jobs as guards on those rear wagons, and managed to earn a little money from the journey. We got to Waterdeep.

We had one last round "Get to Know You," for an extra 500 experience. It was rather tense; the group needed to score three of six successes on Charisma rolls. The first three were failures, but Alek, Thok, and Censura came through in a clinch.

Sandi and Alek had reached level 5 from the experience for that session.

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